Click here to learn about our Spring Dinner Banquet, on April 23rd.

Click here to learn about our proposed bylaws changes, to be voted on by membership at the banquet.

2025 Bylaws Update

Learn about our bylaw updates, to be voted on at our Spring Dinner.

We’ve refreshed our mission and vision to reflect the heart of our work today and give everyone a clear sense of where we’re headed. Along with that, we’re updating our bylaws to align with who we’ve become as an organization. Bylaws are a roadmap, guiding our operations, keeping us on track, and ensuring our members’ needs are met. Below is a summary of the changes made.

  • Updated Mission and Vision
  • A number of changes to reduce repetitive language existing in the prior version of the Bylaws
  • Addition of Student/Youth Membership for people under 25
  • Update to distinguish benefits for Civic & Small Business Memberships vs Corporate Membership, and to add value to Corporate Membership level including promotional opportunity
  • Addition of “Friend of…” Memberships. This is a new add-on membership, with Friends of the Tuscarora Academy as a permanent offering. This program will be developed over time and is intended to let supporters directly engage with special interest areas.
  • Addition of provision for hardship considerations, allowing the board to waive a member’s dues during a period of financial hardship
  • Restructured Article for Officers and Board of Directors to include:
      Removal of requirement for staggered board member terms
      Codify “required” positions in the bylaws to avoid unintentional non-compliance with State Law

To review the bylaws in their entirety, please click below to download.

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