Click here to learn about our Spring Dinner Banquet, on April 23rd.

Click here to learn about our proposed bylaws changes, to be voted on by membership at the banquet.

JCHS Event News


By Sheila McCarthy Yorks

Darwin Seiler will speak at the Juniata County Historical Society annual meeting and Spring Dinner program on Wednesday, April 23, at Walker Grange, Mexico.

Seiler’s topic is the Battle of Monterey Pass, which was fought on the retreat from Gettysburg. In terms of miles, it was the longest battle of the Civil War and fought in a driving thunderstorm during the night of July 4 and the early morning of July 5.  It was the second largest battle in Pennsylvania.

Seiler, a Reedsville native, is a board member of The Friends of the Monterey Pass Battlefield Museum. He will also touch on the museum origins and developments. He taught social studies 32 years after going to Temple University and Shippensburg University, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Education degree. He speaks frequently about local history, and lives with his wife, Kathy, in Blue Ridge Summit. 

The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m., with a dinner of roast chicken, filling, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli with bacon dressing and assorted ice cream. A short business meeting will be held after dinner, followed by the speaker.

We’ve refreshed our mission and vision to reflect the heart of our work today and give everyone a clear sense of where we’re headed. Along with that, we’re updating our bylaws to align with who we’ve become as an organization. Bylaws are a roadmap, guiding our operations, keeping us on track, and ensuring our members’ needs are met. A summary of the changes is available in our newsletter Juniata Jottings, for you to peruse prior to the dinner as we will be voting on these changes at that time. A full copy of the new bylaws will be available for review at the JCHS Archives during open hours, and on our website.                                                                      

Tickets are $25 each and may be purchased at Juniata County Historical Society Archives, 498 Jefferson Street, Suite B, Mifflintown, PA  17059 (lower level in county library) any Tuesday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., or Wednesday from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope with a check for ticket(s) to be mailed to you. Deadline is Tuesday, April 15. There will also be a 50/50 drawing. The Grange is located at 6611 William Penn Highway, Mifflintown, PA  17059. 

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